I’m happy

I’m happy you are in my tummy,

I’m soon to become a mummy…
Your little play times inside,

Keep everything beside..
Your heartbeat as close to mine,

It is so difficult to define..
How you grow from a seed to a flower,

I’m waiting For you every hour..
Your little hands and feet touch,

Make me feel I love you so much..
You are a true gift from heaven above,

A miracle to cherish and love.. 


Wish you a very happy First birthday – remembering my niece 

Today is a very special day,

Yes my precious..In every way…
You came into our life and made it more special than ever,

Today is the day, we will cherish forever…
My sweet and cheeky baby girl,

So pure and beautiful as a sea pearl..
Today you turn one,

your blissful life has just begun..
We all wish you a very happy first birthday,

We are always with you; even we are far away..
Time flies so fasts,

So let’s enjoy every moment and have a blast…
Explore, learn and grow to new heights,

Wish you a life full of bright hopes and pure delights…
Happy first birthday my girl…

Image courtesy : Google 

The old man

 Criss cross lines on his face showed the age and experience, 

We judge and he didn’t that is the difference.

His blue eyes as deep as a sea,

Could see what we cannot see.

When he raised his hand,

Was to bless someone on the land.

We judged him again and again,

But we soon forget from where it all began.

The unconditional support and love,

All he always asked for is to be beloved

So, remember…Time will pass & the old leaves will fall,

And it will apply to us all..

P.S. Love elders and old age people always…they are the best gift to us…image from Google