What I Want?

I don’t want to be a dream,

They fade away.

I want to be a memory..

They stay with you forever.

I want to be a guiding light,

Shining bright.

I don’t want to be a heartbeat..

It can’t be lended.

I want to be a passion..

It can inspire others forever.

I don’t want to be a star..

It dies or fades away.

I want to be beaming thought..

As it never dies..it’s stays!

With or without you!

Flowers in my Garden

The flowers are all smiling

Singing the song of happiness…

With no regret to live a life of few days

But living so full each day..

Giving away soulful glee

Feeling so fresh and free

Nothing to give up

Nothing to cherish

With little love and care

All ready to give away only if we take-care!

Cherish them love them we need them more than they do ! Save Environment please!

इग्ज़ैम की टेन्शन…

उफ़्फ़ ये मम्मी !!

पढ़ाई।। पढ़ाई ।।

कहाँ से ले आयी ?

मीलों में फ़ेला सिलेबस है!

यह मोटी किताबों की टेन्शन और इग्ज़ैम का बुख़ार है!

ऊपर से माँ को इससे बहुत प्यार है,

कुछ ना सुनती इसके बारे में, इसके लिए सब स्वीकार है!

चाएँ तो मुझको 100 बार कहें, पढ़ ले !!! पढ़ ले !!!पर मैं केसे पढ़ूँ?

टी॰वी॰ को भी तो मैं नाराज़ केसे करूँ?

माँ ने सिखाया सबका ध्यान रखो…

पहिले मैं अपना तो रखूँ !

सोती हूँ तो भूख लग जाति है,

फिर… नींद ख़ोलने की बारी आती है!

टी॰ वी॰ देख कर तो दूध पीती हूँ,

फिर जाकर मैं 6 बजे पढ़ने जाती हूँ।

पढ़ते – पढ़ते ….! फिर भूख – प्यास लग जाती है।

इतने में मेरी सहेलियाँ मुझे खेलने बुलातीं हैं!

फिर जब मैं थक-हार के घर पर आती हूँ,

खाना खा के फिर मैं सो जाती हूँ?!

आब आप ही बताओ मैं केसे पढ़ूँ????

मेरी दुविधा का मैं क्या करूँ??????

आपके उत्तर के लिये उत्सुक।।।

लेखिका- अमृता कौर ठुकाराल

Lost in the jungle….what did I see?

Lost in the jungle,

What did I see?

I saw animals and lots of trees.

I saw a snake, near the lake.

Hide, hide, hide…its gonna bite.

I saw a leopard sleeping on the log,

In the pond, a jumping frog.

Let’s run; one, two, three…

What did I see?

I saw a monkey, with a key,

He was hiding from me.

Hey! It belongs to my bike!!

I gave him a banana, that’s what he like.

I rode back home,

Finally, I’m not alone.

Mum and dad hug me tight,

It was time for me to say good night.

Written by my daughter and edited by me

(Mum and me teamwork)

Also published through school for poetry safari competition.

It snowed…last night..

Last night dew was on my window glass,
Pearl drops on my garden grass.

Yes, it snowed I saw it,
I couldn’t believe It, I must admit.

I jumped up from my bed,
Rushed to the window straight ahead.

I saw the sky raining snow!!
I wanted everyone to know.

I wanted to wake up my hubby,
But he was fast asleep like a cuddled baby.

I reached; to wake him up,
But soon I realised I was all roundup.

Before I could even utter a word,
“I love you”, a soft whisper I heard.

Before I could say anything,
I felt so lovin’

Soon I turned around and giggled,
We slept tight and snuggled.

With the snow dropping outside,
It was my safest place to hide..

Image courtesy # google


Okra vegetable recipe

Many friends, family have asked me to post my okra/ladyfingers/ bhindi vegetable recipes…so here it is..

Step 1:








1. Wash and dry okra on kitchen towel.
2. Cut the okra in diced or sliced style; removing the head and tail. ( I used almost two packet)
3. Cut a large onion in big chunks.
4. Cut a small potato in wedges.
5. Place a wok or nonstick pan on hob.
6. When pan hot add oil, 2tbsp.
7. When oil is hot add cumin seeds and let in crackle.
8. Now add cut potatoes and stir so that it doesn’t burn.
9. After 2 mins when potatoes are slightly crisped or fried add onions.
10. Stir and add (1/2 tsp) salt, (1/4 tsp) turmeric, (1/4 tsp) red chilli powder and mix.
11. Now add cut okra and mix well so that spices coat them.
12. Cover it with a lid to steam cook. Lower the flame to medium.
13. Stir occasionally once or twice not more than that.
14. When okra is soft and not too watery or sticky open the lid and cook.
15. Add aamchor(dry mango powder 1/2 tsp), garam masala (1/4 tsp) and dhaniya powder ( 1/2 tsp or coriander powder).
16. Mix well, when well cooked and tender to eat ( colour will change to deep dark green) switch off the hob and cover.
17. Let it rest on hob with lid slightly open.
18. When rested for 5 -10 mins.
19. Now ready to eat.
20. Serve it with dal/ pulses or curd and roti / flat bread Indian/ chapati/ Naan.