What are you?

You tend to churn and change

You like to be in your range

But expected from you is more and more

Even though YOU are lost in your chores

Nothing has been done by you or defind

Though you spend the life searching for divine..

You search your soul for answers you hate to know

But you left to hold on it or let it go..

Still churning the wheels of life

As it’s an endless oceans you need to know once only you dive!

As life goes on and never ends

Beauty rolls absorbing trends..

You think you have matured and move on..

But before you know you are reborn!


When life gives you a low blow

You tend to feel low

When no one seems to stand by

You look around the crowd pass by

Easy to comment and thrown upon

These things happen when you feel down

But remember this is not here to atay

Not what you need to or let them play

It’s your story so write good

You take a step from where you stood

It’s you only who needs to move

And find your grove!

As time waits for no one

So it is you who needs to be with one!

Home where my heart is..

Find a home for me,

Where I cherish and dream what I can be..

Home where walls are not built for me,

For me to see through what I believe..

Home where windows help me see,

For fresh air to breathe as clean it can be..

Home where doors are open to move beyond me,

Not just predefined to what I can be!

Home where tranquility, love and smiles stay within me,

Not just pretending to be what you think of me!

Home is where heart is for me,

Don’t take it away as I’m still ME!

Where I want to be not what everyone believed to be just right for me!

Buddy Bench

I was sitting in my car yet again to bid goodbye to my old home and move on to a new location, as my father got a new job in the UK. I felt excited as well sad to leave my extended family, home and friends behind.

I was little unsure of how it’s going to work out in a new location? All those questions in my head like- who will be my friend? Who will talk to me? How will be my first day in a new school? How is going to be..this and that!

I felt a little better when my mum said, “Don’t worry Sara! We will be together always!”(My mum. She knows everything about me.)

I was smiling back again.

Luckily, After a week or so, I got admission in a school near my new house along with my younger brother Arnav in mid-session. It was a beautiful building, painted in a cosy red colour.

It was encircled by yellow blossoms all around, swings and different gardens to play for younger children. Of course, a football court for our own-primary wing!

It was 9 am, the bell rang and all the children went inside, I also went into my class named Daffodil. 

Ms Davidson, my class teacher stood at doorstop to greet her class. She had curly strands of hair on her face, a twinkle in her eyes and a beautiful warm smile; when she smiled…her lovely teeth could be seen partially and her cheeks bloom-like pink roses which suited her elegant fair complexion and pearls sparkled in her ear loops as sun ray hit them.

She was very nice to me but the rest of class saw me as if I was an ostrich on loose (though I was nicely dressed in a pinafore dress red and white in colour and mum called me a beautiful girl.)

I dint understood as for 7 years old it was tough to judge or make friends immediately. Everyone was warm, tried to be nice but I didn’t feel comfortable…I don’t know why?

In the break time we went out to play after lunch in the backyard. It was a beautiful garden patch with many flowers, butterflies with different colour, shapes and sizes of various types were hovering on them.

Suddenly, I saw a beautiful multicolour bench in the centre of the garden, it was a beautiful one with all colours red, blue, green, yellow, white, purple and some hints of black colours. It was a rainbow colour bench for me. I immediately sat down. On it, was written “Buddy Bench”!

I felt very happy sitting on it and was enjoying the view suddenly an old man (very well dressed), came and sat next to me, and asked, “what is the matter beautiful?”

“I’m in search of a friend, will you be my friend?” ”I work here in school only!”he said to me. “sure!”; with great excitement I said!

“You can drop a message at school-reception for me if you want to talk to me my name is MICKEY. ”

I was overjoyed to make a friend on my very first day.

I told him this bench is special to me now!. He said, ”Yes! it is, BUDDY BENCH we call it!” He continued to explain with great interest, “If you sit on this anyone can come and talk to you whenever you want to talk to someone or make a friend. Or simply if you are feeling lonely or sad about something and you need a someone to talk.

You can sit on it and someone will come to talk to you just like that no questions asked!”. “Also, it is made of recycled materials of all the plastic collected in school, made in our recycled plant and we made benches for our little/older friends out of it. Also, much other stuff too”, he beamed proudly.

I said, ”we” who are you may I know sir? 

He smiled and said, “Good question- I’m the school Principal, Mr M. Jackson but you can call me ’Mickey’ as you are my best friend forever. See you soon let’s go to class now it’s getting colder and let’s get back to work.”

As he bid bye to me I was excited and I ran to tell my class about what happened. Everyone was in for surprise and wanted to be my friend now.

As I made Mr Jackson; my BFF on the first day of my school. What a day it has been!

I was in such a happy space now. I had so much to talk about with my parents.

“All about my new buddies and my new found love for my Buddy Bench.”

What I Want?

I don’t want to be a dream,

They fade away.

I want to be a memory..

They stay with you forever.

I want to be a guiding light,

Shining bright.

I don’t want to be a heartbeat..

It can’t be lended.

I want to be a passion..

It can inspire others forever.

I don’t want to be a star..

It dies or fades away.

I want to be beaming thought..

As it never dies..it’s stays!

With or without you!

Flowers in my Garden

The flowers are all smiling

Singing the song of happiness…

With no regret to live a life of few days

But living so full each day..

Giving away soulful glee

Feeling so fresh and free

Nothing to give up

Nothing to cherish

With little love and care

All ready to give away only if we take-care!

Cherish them love them we need them more than they do ! Save Environment please!

इग्ज़ैम की टेन्शन…

उफ़्फ़ ये मम्मी !!

पढ़ाई।। पढ़ाई ।।

कहाँ से ले आयी ?

मीलों में फ़ेला सिलेबस है!

यह मोटी किताबों की टेन्शन और इग्ज़ैम का बुख़ार है!

ऊपर से माँ को इससे बहुत प्यार है,

कुछ ना सुनती इसके बारे में, इसके लिए सब स्वीकार है!

चाएँ तो मुझको 100 बार कहें, पढ़ ले !!! पढ़ ले !!!पर मैं केसे पढ़ूँ?

टी॰वी॰ को भी तो मैं नाराज़ केसे करूँ?

माँ ने सिखाया सबका ध्यान रखो…

पहिले मैं अपना तो रखूँ !

सोती हूँ तो भूख लग जाति है,

फिर… नींद ख़ोलने की बारी आती है!

टी॰ वी॰ देख कर तो दूध पीती हूँ,

फिर जाकर मैं 6 बजे पढ़ने जाती हूँ।

पढ़ते – पढ़ते ….! फिर भूख – प्यास लग जाती है।

इतने में मेरी सहेलियाँ मुझे खेलने बुलातीं हैं!

फिर जब मैं थक-हार के घर पर आती हूँ,

खाना खा के फिर मैं सो जाती हूँ?!

आब आप ही बताओ मैं केसे पढ़ूँ????

मेरी दुविधा का मैं क्या करूँ??????

आपके उत्तर के लिये उत्सुक।।।

लेखिका- अमृता कौर ठुकाराल

A trip – Eiffel Tower Paris

We went out on a holiday to France,
I feel in love with Eiffel Tower in first glance.

It seems like a romantic affair,
As love is in the air.

It is not just a metallic tower,
We do fall in love; it has that power!!

It’s like a crown on a king’s head,
A perfect location to propose or wed.

An iconic structure standing tall and proud,
A great impression of strength and beauty to the crowd.

Dazzled in night like stars in the sky,
On the top; you want to fly.

It seems like we struck gold,
A pleasure full experience to cherish and hold.

A heaven on earth as I see,
To which you all may agree.

A structure made of puddled iron and hardwork,
But it is so creative it seems like an artwork.

Many visitors come, go and visit again,
Just hop on a boat, plane or train.

Many replicas have been made,
But it’s an achievement that puts rest in shade.

Not without a deep sigh,
Till we meet again, goodbye!!

# pic from google source.